Maschinen Crisis Universe Premise

In the 21st century came about the single most influential innovation of human history: artificial consciousness. New digital minds, capable of self-identity, thoughts and awareness linked to a synthetic body. These beings were named: aeons.

Humanity reached a new golden age. Aeons were capable of performing the most complex tasks without tiring, could be manufactured en masse, and, above all, form the perfect workforce for large-scale space exploration.

The year is 2411. What will later be known as the 3rd Aeon War has erupted on Leng, a colonized moon 14 light years away from Earth.

Three major fronts collide: the human centric Nesuvan Empire; the Arkosys, corrupted Aeons; and Pax Terra the coalition forces from Earth. These powers have pulled all of Leng’s nations into a full-scale war, with the Nesuvan Empire bent on subjugating the aeons to humans, the Arkosys obsessed with eradicating mankind from Leng, and Pax Terra struggling to bring peace to factions that want none of it.